• You feel like this is "just the way it is"
  • You've decided you're just not cool, hip, or trendy enough to get good clients
  • You feel like you post online only to hear crickets, and maybe even sad violins :(
  • You're at a loss for how to begin getting the clients you REALLY want to work with
  • You feel like you're not enjoying your work as much, and that your clients are draining you
  • You're not sure how to show up on social media and find the whole process draining
  • You've lost the passion and excitement for your work
  • You feel like you're not always "clicking" with your clients

If I'm on the right track, you're in the right place!

Does any of this sound familiar?

I'm a full time-photographer, educator, mom, and owner of Sugar + Soul Photography. I grew this little home-based business from a dream to a 6-figure company with a yearly booking waitlist, rave reviews, and a successful associate brand.  I attract the exact clients I LOVE to work with and can genuinely say that 99.9% of the time I feel amazing and fulfilled heading home from a session or wedding. 

But....it wasn't always this way.

Listen, I have always booked out my seasons with lovely humans but sometimes...I felt like maybe they weren't right for me. Like there was a mismatch. Like we were on a different page entirely.
Thankfully, I learned how to harness the power of attraction and thought what if I infuse this into my business and marketing?....and my entire world changed.

Let me show you how I went from booking good clients to booking DREAM CLIENTS

Hey, I'm Melissa Johnstone

If you are open to something new, exciting, and a completely different way to think about your wedding photography business....keep scrolling!

An online course designed to help photographers like you attract more of their dream clients and create a more fulfilling career. I show you the EXACT framework and deep work I did for myself in order to align my business to what I truly wanted, understand my ideal client, show up authentically, infuse my marketing and social media with strong, purposeful messaging and ultimately feel like a creator instead of a victim!


My one on one experience with Mel was terrific. I use almost every single thing she taught me every time I do a session and with her help I was able to make my workflow so much more efficient.  She answered all of my questions providing me with tips and tricks, and showed me how to correct any problem I was having. 
Our model photo session was amazing. I learned so much about posing and how to put clients at ease as well as how to get natural reactions - I still use the prompts she taught me 2 years later. 

Lacking creativity, inspiration, motivation and energy

Feeling like you're just never good enough in this career

Being confident in serving your clients in exactly the way that they (and YOU) need

Passionately serving your clients with enthusiasm and a desire to create

Feeling like you need to copy what other successful photographers are doing 

Standing in your empowered, authentic truth as a photographer who is aligned with their purpose

Feeling like you aren't attracting the right clients

Booking clients you love working with (and want to hang out with!)

Marketing to everyone, hoping that some people will book

 Having strong, purposeful, and authentic marketing that magnetizes clients to you

What if you could go from...


To this

-Kristine Sarah Photography, mentorship client

If you’re thinking about doing a mentor session with Melissa - 10/10 highly recommend - you won’t be disappointed.

How to know what to say, do, and post on instagram and your website

social media

Learn how to use the laws of attraction and vibration in order to manifest your dream clients

 Leverage universal laws

Tools to step into the best possible version of yourself and be the best photographer you can be


Defining your dream client and understand how they need to be spoken to, and how to reach them!

Create strong marketing messaging and infuse it into your social media and web presence

know your clients


Creating a value based business that aligns you with your purpose 

Value systems

Understand what it means to be authentic, and how to infuse this into every part of your business


All the good stuff we'll cover

Let me help you make those big changes!

this self-paced online course is unlike any other business education course or program for photographers!

ready to transform your business?

Don't Miss out on this 2-Day only limited-time price!

CLICK HERE TO register

Regular Price of $1697!

Yours Today for ONLY $897*

* or 4 monthly payments of $250

This framework can work with portrait photography as well! I can attest that all of my offerings had huge shifts once I applied the methods taught in this course!

what if i'm not a wedding photographer?


You will have lifetime access to this course and since it's self-paced, you can begin whenever you like!

what if i can't begin the course right away?


The lessons within the course have "tasks" for you to complete in order to do the deep work involved with these huge shifts! The time it takes to complete these tasks can vary, so wherever you are on your path and however long that takes for you is just perfect.

how much time will i need to complete the lessons?


You are in full control of how deep you go with this work. If you commit to the process, you should begin to see shifts almost immediately after completing the course, but I wouldn't be surprised if amazing things happen during the course work!

how long will it take to see results from the program?


I can't promise that I will keep registration open forever, or that this amazing intro price will stay the same!

i am concerned about money and not sure I can invest right now. Will this be offered again?


If you have  done all the work, attended the calls/watched all of the videos, filled out all your worksheets and implemented the changes in this course, you will have a massive shift in your business (and likely your mental health).  You are able to reach out for support if needed through email or the facebook group!

what if it doesn't work for me?


Frequently Asked Questions

Hold up, wait a minute!

Are you ready to attract better clients, and truly love your career? 

join the online course that will transform your photography business

Copyright 2025 Sugar + Soul Photography